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" Number Of The Pronoun "

 Noun की तरह Pronoun भी Singular या plural होते हैं।

(a) Pronoun in Singular Number :- I,Me,Mine, Myself,He,Him,Himself,She,Her,Hers,Herself,It,Itself,Yourself,This,That, Somebody, Nobody, Anybody, Everybody,Someone, No-one, Anyone, Everyone, Something, Nothing, Anything, Everything,Each, Either, Neither,etc.

(b) Pronoun in Plural Number:-

We,Us,ours,Ourselves,Yourselves, They,Them,Theirs,Themselves, These,Those,Many,Both,etc.

(c) Pronoun जो singular और plural दोनो में प्रयुक्त होते हैं:-  You,Yours,All,Some, None,Who,whom,Whose,Which,What,etc.

 Number Of The Verb:- 

Note:- जब verb मे s/es लग जाता है तब  वह Singular हो जाता है ।  
e.g.- Plural verb          singular verb
         eat.                         eats
         go.                           goes
         laugh.                     laughs
         run.                         runs  etc.
Always notice that:-(a) Verbs in the singular number : am,is,was,has,does,goes,eats,laughs, etc.
(b) Verbs in the plural number : are,
(c)Verb जो singular और plural दोनों में  प्रयुक्त होते हैं:- had,did,shall,should,will,would,can,could,may,might,must,ought,dare, used in the past tense , Verbs in the Present/Past Participle Tense ,etc.


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