Definition - A verb is a word which denotes an action , Possession , relation or a state of being or A verb is a doing word .
e.g.- read ,write, go, run ,play , am etc.
Kinds of verb :- वाक्यों के प्रयोग के आधार पर Verb को दो भागों मे बाँटा गया है :- 1.Main Verb ( प्रधान क्रिया )
2.Helping Verb ( सहायक क्रिया )
1.Main Verb :- The verb used alone or together with helping verbs are called main verbs .
e.g.:- I am a boy . I love her. I am reading .etc.
उपरोक्त दिए गए वाक्यों मे am , love ,reading Main verb है ।
2.Helping Verb :- A helping verb is one which helps the main verb to form a tense ,voice , mood , etc.
e.g.- I am reading . He will go . My brother has come . etc
उपरोक्त वाक्यों मे Am ,will , has helping verb है।
नीचे कुछ Helping verb दिये गए है :-
am,is,are,was,were,do,does,did,have,has,had,shall,will,can,could,may,might,must,ought,should,would,need,dare,used to .
Note :- 1.यदि किसी वाक्य मे एक ही क्रिया हो , तो वह क्रिया Main verb कहलाएगी ।
e.g.- I have a dog . ( Have - Main verb ). He is a boy .( Is - Main verb)
Note :- 2.यदि किसी वाक्य में दो या दो से अधिक verb एक साथ प्रयुक्त हुए हो , तो सबसे अंत मे आने वाला verb main verb कहलाएगा और अन्य verbs helping verb कहलाएँगे ।
e.g.- I have been reading .(have and been - helping verb and reading main verb है ।)
I have been a teacher . (Have helping verb and been main verb है।)
Transitive and Intransitive verbs:- Main verb is divided into two parts :- 1.Transitive verb (सकर्मक क्रिया ) 2.Intransitive verb (अकर्मक क्रिया )
1.Transitive Verb :-The verb used with an object is called transitive verb .
e.g.- Ram goes to school . I love .you . I like this beautiful flower. etc
उपरोक्त वाक्यों मे school ,you, beautiful flower Objects है। अतः इसके पहले वाले verb Transitive verb कहलाएँँगे।
2.Intransitive Verb:- The verb used without an object is called intransitive verb .
e.g.-I eat.I sleep. I go to school.etc
Some Special Notes:-
1.कुछ ऐसे verbs है जिनके बाद object कभी नहीं आते है और वे हमेशा intransitive के रूप मे प्रयुक्त होते हैं ।
e.g.-go,write,play ,die etc.
2.जब तक क्रिया के बाद कर्म का प्रयोग नहीं होगा , तब तक उसे transitive verb. नही कहेंगे ।
e.g.-I eat a mango . She reads a book. He is flying a kite .etc
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