Definition :- A meaningful arrangement of words is called a sentence .e.g.- Go, Come , Laugh , Ram is a good boy. etc.
There are five kinds of sentence :- 1. Assertive Sentence
2.Interrogative Sentence
3.Imperative Sentence
4. Optative Sentence
5.Exclamatory Sentence
1. Assertive Sentence :- A sentence that makes a statement , is called Assertive Sentence .
e.g.- We are going to market. He is a student. etc.
2.Interrogative Sentence :- A sentence that asks a question is called an interrogative sentence.
e.g.-What are you doing? Where do you go?etc.
3.Imperative Sentence :-A sentence that expresses an order , a request or a piece of advice is called an Imperative Sentence .
e.g.-Bring a glass of water.please help me. Take medicine in time. etc.
4.Optative Sentence :-A sentence that expresses some curse , blessing , prayer or wish is called an Optative Sentence .
e.g.- May God help you ! May you live long ! May he get success !etc.
5.Exclamatory Sentence :- A sentence that expresses some sudden or strong feeling of mind is called a exclamatory Sentence .
e.g.-What a beautiful scene it is ! What a fall ! Well done ! Mohan . etc.
Affirmative and Negative Sentence:- In which sentence no any negative words are used then it is called an affirmative sentence .e.g.-He is a boy . May God help you ! Please do this . May I come in ? etc.
* In which sentence negative words are used then it is called negative sentence .
e.g.- He is not a student. Please don't kill me . Don't you know english ? He has no money. etc.
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