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GENDER :- The noun or pronoun which refers to male or female word , is called gender.

e.g.- boy, girl, cow etc.

Gender of the Noun :- There are four kinds of Gender .

1.Masculine Gender :- The masculine gender refers to a male .
e.g.- Ram,dog,man,father, brother,horse, actor,boy etc.
2.feminine Gender :- Feminine gender denotes a female.
e.g.-Sita,woman,sister,cow,hen etc.
3.Common Gender:- The common gender denotes that the noun or pronoun is either a male or a female.
e.g.- Teacher,friend,child, doctor,thief,person,student,infant,baby,servant,writer etc.
4.Neuter Gender :- The neuter gender denotes that the noun is neither a male nor a female .
e.g.- Wood,oil,crow,bench,ant,school,pen,book,class,watch etc.
Note1:- निर्जीव पदार्थों ,कीड़े -मकोड़े और छोटे- छोटे जानवरों को इसी श्रेणी में रखा गया है । Collective Noun and abstract noun को भी इसी श्रेणी  में रखा गया है ।
Note 2:- हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में  gender के भेद में अंतर है । हिंदी में मुख्य रूप से दो gender होते हैं ।


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