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Showing posts from October, 2019


GENDER :- The noun or pronoun which refers to male or female word , is called gender. e.g.- boy, girl, cow etc. Gender of the Noun :-  There are four kinds of Gender . 1.Masculine Gender :- The masculine gender refers to a male . e.g.- Ram,dog,man,father, brother,horse, actor,boy etc. 2.feminine Gender :-  Feminine gender denotes a female. e.g.-Sita,woman,sister,cow,hen etc. 3.Common Gender:- The common gender denotes that the noun or pronoun is either a male or a female. e.g.- Teacher,friend,child, doctor,thief,person,student,infant,baby,servant,writer etc. 4.Neuter Gender :-  The neuter gender denotes that the noun is neither a male nor a female . e.g.- Wood,oil,crow,bench,ant,school,pen,book,class,watch etc. Note1:-  निर्जीव पदार्थों ,कीड़े -मकोड़े और छोटे- छोटे जानवरों को इसी श्रेणी में रखा गया है । Collective Noun and abstract noun को भी इसी श्रेणी  में रखा गया है । Note 2:- हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में  gender के भेद में अंतर है ।...

" Number Of The Pronoun "

 Noun की तरह Pronoun भी Singular या plural होते हैं। (a) Pronoun in Singular Number :- I,Me,Mine, Myself,He,Him,Himself,She,Her,Hers,Herself,It,Itself,Yourself,This,That, Somebody, Nobody, Anybody, Everybody,Someone, No-one, Anyone, Everyone, Something, Nothing, Anything, Everything,Each, Either, Neither,etc. (b) Pronoun in Plural Number:- We,Us,ours,Ourselves,Yourselves, They,Them,Theirs,Themselves, These,Those,Many,Both,etc. (c) Pronoun जो singular और plural दोनो में प्रयुक्त होते हैं:-  You,Yours,All,Some, None,Who,whom,Whose,Which,What,etc.  Number Of The Verb:-  Note:- जब verb मे s/es लग जाता है तब  वह Singular हो जाता है ।   e.g.- Plural verb          singular verb          eat.                         eats          go.                    ...


Number:- A word that tells the number of noun or pronoun , is called number in grammar. e.g.-boy - boys, car-cars,I-we,me-us etc. There are two kinds of number:-   1.Singular    2.Plural * Singular:- A noun that denotes one person,place or thing is called the singular number. e.g.-cow,boy,cat,man,boy,car,pen etc. * Plural :- A noun that denotes more than one person,place or thing is called the plural number. e.g.-cows,dogs,cats,men,boys etc. Rules for changing the singular into plural :- 1.Singular number के अंत मे प्रायः "s" जोड़कर plural बनाया जाता है ।  e.g.-boy - boys.         book -books         pen - pens          tree - trees        cow - cows.        table - tables         house - houses. school-schools          animal -animals ant - ants etc. 2.जिस singular noun के...

" Prepositions"

Preposition:- A preposition is a word placed before a noun or a pronoun to show it's relation to some other word in a sentence. e.g.-Some important prepositions: In,into,on,at,to,with,without,of,among,between,under,over,below,near,after,before,for,up,since,from,by,be-hind,about,etc. Note1.:-Preposition प्रायः Noun or Pronoun के पहले के पहले आता है । परंतु कुछ  परिस्थितियों मे इसका प्रयोग sentence clause के अंत  मे होता है या हो सकता  है। e.g.-What are you looking at? Who is she weeping for ? I know the house she lives in.etc. Note 2.:-एक  ही word प्रयोग के हिसाब से किसी वाक्य मे preposition हो सकता है तो  किसी दूसरे वाक्य मे अन्य Part of Speech , जैसे -He is in the room .(in- preposition) Come in ( in  - adverb) I have not seen this before  ( before. - preposition). Conjunctions:- A conjunction is a word used to join words , phrases Clauses or sentences together. e.g.-and,but,or,because,therefore,although,though,ye...

" Adverbs"

Adverb :- An adverb is a word which is used to add something to the meaning of a verb , an adjective or another adverb. e.g.-slowly,carefully,beautifully loudly etc. Kinds of the adverb :-  1.Adverb of time (कालवाचक क्रियाविशेषण 2.Adverb of frequency (आवृत्ति वाचक क्रियाविशेषण ) 3.Adverb of manner (रीति वाचक क्रियाविशेषण) 4.Adverb of place (स्थान वाचक क्रियाविशेषण) 5. Adverb of degree(परिमाण वाचक क्रियाविशेषण ) 6.Interrogative Adverb (प्रश्न वाचक क्रियाविशेषण ) 7.Adverb of negation and affirmation ( नकारात्मक और सकारात्मक क्रियाविशेषण ) 8.Adverb of reason(कारणवाचक क्रियाविशेषण ) 9., Relative adverb (संबंध वाचक क्रियाविशेषण)  1.Adverb of time :- Adverb of time tell the time of an actin. e.g.-today,yesterday,tomorrow,now, Late,soon etc. Note:-Verb के साथ When लगाकर प्रश्न  करने पर जो शब्द answer मे मिलता है .Adverb of time कहलाता है । 2.Adverb of frequency:- Adverb Of frequency tell how often an action is done. e.g.-never ,always,...


Definition - A verb is a word which denotes an action , Possession , relation or a state of  being or A verb is a doing word . e.g.- read ,write, go, run ,play , am etc.   Kinds of verb :- वाक्यों के प्रयोग  के आधार पर  Verb को दो भागों मे बाँटा  गया है :- 1.Main Verb ( प्रधान  क्रिया )  2.Helping Verb ( सहायक क्रिया ) 1.Main Verb :- The verb used alone or together with helping verbs are called main verbs . e.g.:- I am a boy . I love her. I am reading .etc.  उपरोक्त दिए गए वाक्यों मे am , love ,reading Main verb है । 2.Helping Verb :- A helping verb is one which helps the main verb to form a tense ,voice , mood , etc. e.g.- I am reading . He will go . My brother has come . etc  उपरोक्त वाक्यों मे Am ,will , has helping verb है।  नीचे कुछ Helping verb दिये गए है :- am,is,are,was,were,do,does,did,have,has,had,shall,will,can,could,may,might,must,ought,should,would,need,dare,used to . Note :- 1.यदि किसी वाक्य मे ए...

" Adjective"

Definition:- An adjective is a word used to add something to the meaning of a noun or a pronoun.  e.g.good,fast,bad,beautiful,brave,sw-eet,lazy,black etc. Kinds of adjective - There are ten kinds of adjective:- 1.Adjective of Quality :- Adjective of quality show the quality of a person or thing. e.g.-good,bad,weak,strong,kind,cruel etc. 2.Adjective of Quantity:- Adjective of quantity show how much of a thing is meant. e.g.- some,much,little,enough,all etc. 3.Adjective of Number:- Adjective of number show how many persons or things are meant ,or in what order a person or thing stands. e.g.- few,no,many,some,enough,all,one,first etc. 4.Demonstrative Adjective :- The adjective used to point out some person or thing is called demonstrative adjective. e.g.-this,that,these,those,such etc. 5.Possessive Adjective:- Possessive adjective show possession or relation. e.g.- my,our,your,his,her,it's,their etc. 6.Distributive Adjective :-Each,every,either ...


Definition - A pronoun is a word that used in place of a noun or A pronoun stands for a noun . e.g.- He,She,It, They etc. There are ten kinds of pronoun :-  1.Personal Pronoun ( पुरूष वाचक सर्वनाम )  2.Possessive Pronoun ( अधिकअधिकार  वाचक  सर्वनाम ) 3.Reflexive Pronoun ( निज वाचक सर्वनाम )  4.Emphatic Pronoun ( बल दायक सर्वनाम )  5.Demonstrative Pronoun ( संकेत वाचक सर्वनाम )  6.Indefinite Pronoun ( अनिश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम )  7.Distributive Pronoun ( व्यष्टि वाचक सर्वनाम )  8.Reciprocal Pronoun ( परस्पर बोधक सर्वनाम ) 9.Relative Pronoun ( संबंध वाचक सर्वनाम )  10.Interrogative Pronoun (प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम )      1.Personal pronoun:- I,we,you,it,he,she and they are called personal pronoun.  i.e.-personal means relating to persons . It means First person , Second person and Third person . * First person - I and We  * Second person - You and  * Third person - He , She , It an...

" Modern classification of the noun"

 According to  modern classification of noun , there are three kinds of noun :- 1.Proper Noun :- A proper noun is the name of particular person , place , animal or thing. e.g.- Sohan , Nepal , Sunday , Lucy etc. 2.Countable  Noun:- The noun which can be counted is called countable noun . e.g.-cow , dog , man , leg , book, star , river etc. 3.Uncountable Noun:- The noun which can't be counted is called uncountable noun. e.g.- Rice,Oil,water,Butter, Beauty,Honesty, Friendship, Fear etc. Note :-   1.Uncountable Noun के पहले न तो a/an का प्रयोग होता है , न ही इसका Plural Form होता है । 2.Countable Noun के पहले a/an का प्रयोग होता है और इसका Plural Form भी होता है । e.g.- a boy , boys , an ant , ants etc. 3. हिन्दी भाषा मे रोटी एक Countable Noun है But अंग्रेजी भाषा मे Bread Uncountable है । So आप एक रोटी की अंग्रेजी a bread न लिखकर  ' a piece of bread' लिखेंं । चार रोटियाँ - four pieces of bread लिखेंं। Always Remember :- Old Grammar...