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Definition :- A meaningful arrangement of words is called a sentence .e.g.- Go, Come , Laugh , Ram is a good boy. etc. There are five kinds of sentence :- 1. Assertive Sentence    2.Interrogative Sentence    3.Imperative Sentence    4. Optative Sentence    5.Exclamatory Sentence 1. Assertive Sentence :- A sentence that makes a statement , is called Assertive Sentence . e.g.- We are going to market. He is a student. etc. 2.Interrogative Sentence :- A sentence that asks a question is called an interrogative sentence. e.g.-What are you doing? Where do you go?etc. 3.Imperative Sentence :- A sentence that expresses an order , a request or a piece of advice is called an Imperative Sentence . e.g.-Bring a glass of water.please help me. Take medicine in time. etc. 4.Optative Sentence :- A sentence that expresses some curse , blessing , prayer or wish is called an Optative Sentence . e.g.- May God help you ! May you l...

" Degrees of Comparison "

There are three degrees of Comparison :- 1.Positive  Degree  2.Comparative Degree 3.Superlative Degree  1.Positive Degree :- When an adjective or adverb is in its simple form , it is said to be in the positive degree . e.g.- good, old , fat,big,sweet,strong,slowly , etc. 2.Comparative Degree :- When n adjective or adverb is used to compare the qualities of two persons or things together , it is said to be in the comparative degree . e.g.-better,older,bigger,stronger,more slowly ,etc. 3.Superlative Degree :- When an adjective or adverb is used to compare the qualities of three or more than three persons or things together , it is said to be in the superlative degree . e.g.-best,oldest,biggest,sweetest, strongest,most slowly , etc. Formation of comparative and superlative degrees . 1. एक syllable के अधिकांश adjectives or adverbs में er/r add करके Comparative तथा est/st जोड़कर Superlative बनाया जाता है । e.g.:-  Posit.    ...


There are three kinds of Person:- 1. First Person :-  The first person is the person speaking . e.g. I,We Me,Mine,Myself,Us,Our,Ours and Ourselves. 2.Second Person :- The second person is the person spoken to. e.g.-You,Your,Yours,Yourself,yourselves. 3.Third Person :-  The third person is the person spoken about. e.g. -He,Him,His,Himself,She,Her,Hers,Herself,It,Its,Itself,They,Them,Thie-r,Theirs,Themselves,This,That,These,Those,Somebody,Anybody,Something,Each,Either,Neither,All,None,,Many,Both,Ram,Sita,Mother,Father,Teacher,Book,Cow,Sun,Star,Rive-r,etc.                                                                "   CASE  " There are three kinds of case :- 1.Nominative Case  2.Objective Case  3.Possessive Case  1.Nominative Case :- When a noun or pronoun is us...


GENDER OF THE PRONOUN :- 1.Pronoun of the Masculine Gender :- He,Him,His,Himself 2.Pronoun of the Feminine Gender :- She,Her,Hers,Herself 3.pronoun of the Common Gender :- l,Me,Mine,Myself,We,Us, Ours,Ourselves,You,Yours,Yourself,Yourselves,Somebody,Nobody, Anybody,Everybody,Someone,No one,Anyone,Everyone,Who,Whom etc. 4.Pronoun of the Neuter Gender :- It,Itself,Nothing,Anything, Everything,Something,Which etc . * Pronoun used for all genders:- They,Them,Theirs,Themselves, This,That,Each,Either,Neither,Many,Both,Whose,What,All,Some,None etc.


Rules for changing Masculine to Feminine:- 1. English भाषा में बहुत सारे ऐसे शब्द हैं जिनके Feminine रुप में पूरी तरह से नये शब्द का प्रयोग होता है। Example:  Masculine   Feminine                   Boy                   Girl                   Father             Mother                   Brother           Sister                   Man                Woman                   Son              Daughter                   Uncle            Aunt           ...


GENDER :- The noun or pronoun which refers to male or female word , is called gender. e.g.- boy, girl, cow etc. Gender of the Noun :-  There are four kinds of Gender . 1.Masculine Gender :- The masculine gender refers to a male . e.g.- Ram,dog,man,father, brother,horse, actor,boy etc. 2.feminine Gender :-  Feminine gender denotes a female. e.g.-Sita,woman,sister,cow,hen etc. 3.Common Gender:- The common gender denotes that the noun or pronoun is either a male or a female. e.g.- Teacher,friend,child, doctor,thief,person,student,infant,baby,servant,writer etc. 4.Neuter Gender :-  The neuter gender denotes that the noun is neither a male nor a female . e.g.- Wood,oil,crow,bench,ant,school,pen,book,class,watch etc. Note1:-  निर्जीव पदार्थों ,कीड़े -मकोड़े और छोटे- छोटे जानवरों को इसी श्रेणी में रखा गया है । Collective Noun and abstract noun को भी इसी श्रेणी  में रखा गया है । Note 2:- हिंदी और अंग्रेजी में  gender के भेद में अंतर है ।...

" Number Of The Pronoun "

 Noun की तरह Pronoun भी Singular या plural होते हैं। (a) Pronoun in Singular Number :- I,Me,Mine, Myself,He,Him,Himself,She,Her,Hers,Herself,It,Itself,Yourself,This,That, Somebody, Nobody, Anybody, Everybody,Someone, No-one, Anyone, Everyone, Something, Nothing, Anything, Everything,Each, Either, Neither,etc. (b) Pronoun in Plural Number:- We,Us,ours,Ourselves,Yourselves, They,Them,Theirs,Themselves, These,Those,Many,Both,etc. (c) Pronoun जो singular और plural दोनो में प्रयुक्त होते हैं:-  You,Yours,All,Some, None,Who,whom,Whose,Which,What,etc.  Number Of The Verb:-  Note:- जब verb मे s/es लग जाता है तब  वह Singular हो जाता है ।   e.g.- Plural verb          singular verb          eat.                         eats          go.                    ...